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Eligibility & SELECTION criteria

Living Breath Foundation financial aid grants are open to individuals with Cystic Fibrosis who reside in California and Arizona and are US citizens.  Our voting committee will consider each applicant’s financial need at the requested time.  If an applicant's request for aid is accepted, the amount will be determined by the Board of Directors of the Living Breath Foundation.

Documents you will need

To complete the application process you will need to provide the following documents:

  • A letter from your doctor confirming you have Cystic Fibrosis

  • Your most current tax return or your most current payroll stub.  If you are not working, please provide your SSI, SSDI, or Social Security proof of income.

  • Supporting Documents.  Some examples would be:  a copy of hotel expenses incurred while the child or spouse is in the hospital, a copy of un-reimbursed medical equipment, a copy of unpaid bills from the hospital*, doctors, or pharmacy

Please Note: if you are applying for help with a hospital bill, you must first apply for aid directly from the hospital and then provide us with their denial letter.

Ways to apply

Your financial aid application can be submitted to the Living Breath Foundation using one of the following ways:

Online Application

To fill out your application and upload your supporting documents in your browser window, please use the following:

By Mail or Email

To download the financial aid application as a PDF and submit it via email or post, please select the following option:


The Living Breath Foundation is a non-profit organization created to help those living with Cystic Fibrosis.

We award scholarships to qualifying individuals who wish to further their education beyond the high school level. We also assist individuals and families with the added expenses associated with having Cystic Fibrosis, which include the extensive costs of prescription medication and medical equipment. In certain situations, we provide financial assistance for individuals who have prolonged or frequent absences from work.

In addition to providing financial assistance, The Living Breath Foundation plans on producing new and inventive ways to raise awareness about the disease and what it takes to live with the illness.




Ph: 831-392-5283


Mailing Address:

2031 Marsala Cir.

Monterey, CA 93940

 NON PROFIT TAX ID   26-2725465
Donate with PayPal

"So we can all breathe easy." The Living Breath Foundation © 2007 - 2024

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