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Please read these instructions carefully. If you have any questions, please call (831) 392-5283 or email The Living Breath Foundation at

Complete this entire application form and upload all the requested additional information.

Award Details

Grants range from $1000 to $5000 and are made directly to recipient to assist in covering any of the following: tuition, books, or any extra expenses of going to school while having Cystic Fibrosis.  This can include: private rooms, rooms with running water or bathrooms, food, and parking.

Eligibility Criteria

The Living Breath Foundation academic shcolarship is open to individuals with Cystic Fibrosis who are graduating from high school or continuing their higher education at a 2 year, 4 year or trade school, are currently living in California or Arizona, and are a US citizen.

Selection Criteria

In selecting the applicant the committee will take into consideration each applicant's scholastic record, leadership, community service and financial need.

Application Deadline & Award Date

This online application will be available until Thursday, May 1st, 2025.  Notifications of award status will be mailed no later than June 1st.

Documents you will need

To complete the application process you will need to provide the following documents:

  • A list of your past/current community involvement. (including dates/offices held)

  • A list of your past/current extracurricular activities and interests (including dates and any leadership roles)

  • Personal Statement Essay explaining how continuing your education will benefit your future.​

  • A letter from your doctor confirming you have Cystic Fibrosis

  • A copy of your annual tuition and fees for your college/university.

  • A photocopy of the most recent Student Aid Report (SAR), the Department of Education's response to your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  • A letter of recommendation from a member of the community. (e.g. teacher, employer, religious leader, etc.)

  • A detailed list of all sources of financial aid / support already awarded. (e.g. scholarships, grants, work / study contributions from family, etc.)​

  • For incoming freshmen: An official high school transcript and a copy of acceptance letter or confirmation of enrollment from your college/university.

  • For current college/university students: An official college/university transcript and confirmation of enrollment from your college/university.


Section 1 of 5 - Candidate Information

Is the candidate a US citizen?
Approximate Date of High School Graduation
Have you applied for a Living Breath Foundation Scholarship before?

Section 2 of 5 - Family Information

Parent One Information

Parent Two Information

Other Family Information

Do you have any siblings?
Are you married?
Do you have any children?

Section 3 of 5 - Personal Statements

We recommend that you save your responses for the long-answer questions in a separate document before submitting your application. This ensures that you don’t lose your work in case of technical issues.

  1. Community Involvement

  1. Extracurricular Activities and Interests

  1. Personal Statement Essay

Section 4 of 5 - Upload Documents

  1. Upload Doctor's Confirmation Letter

Please provide a letter from your doctor confirming a diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis.

  1. Upload Annual Tuition Fees

Please provide a copy of your annual tuition and fees for your college/university.

  1. Upload Student Aid Report

Please provide a photocopy of the most recent Student Aid Report (SAR), the Department of Education's response to your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  1. Upload Letter of Recommendation

Please provide your letter of recommendation from a member of the community. (e.g. teacher, employer, religious leader, etc.)

  1. Upload Transcripts

Are you an incoming freshman or currently a college/university student?
Incoming Freshman
Current College/University Student

Please make a choice above.

Section 5 of 5 - Signatures

Consent to review financial information

I give permission to the Living Breath Foundation’s board members to view the information on this form and the information submitted with this application. All financial information will be kept strictly confidential.

Application Certification

I certify that the information presented in my application is accurate and complete. I understand and agree that any inaccurate information, misleading information, or omission will be cause for the invalidation of any grant offered to me. The Living Breath Foundation may verify all parts of my application materials. If they award me a scholarship, I give my permission to publicize my name. I also understand that I must provide my social security number to the Living Breath Foundation to qualify for a scholarship.


The Living Breath Foundation es una organización sin fines de lucro creada para ayudar a quienes viven con Fibrosis Quística.

Otorgamos becas a personas calificadas que desean continuar su educación más allá del nivel de la escuela secundaria. También asistimos a individuos y familias con los gastos adicionales asociados con la Fibrosis Quística, que incluyen los altos costos de los medicamentos recetados y el equipo médico. En ciertas situaciones, proporcionamos asistencia financiera a personas que tienen ausencias prolongadas o frecuentes del trabajo.

Además de proporcionar asistencia financiera, The Living Breath Foundation planea desarrollar nuevas e innovadoras formas de crear conciencia sobre la enfermedad y lo que implica vivir con ella.


Redes Sociales


Tel: 831-392-5283


Dirección Postal:

2031 Marsala Cir.

Monterey, CA 93940

 NON PROFIT TAX ID   26-2725465
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"Para que todos podamos respirar tranquilos." The Living Breath Foundation © 2007 - 2024

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